viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

The big question, How to say the things, withoth offending anyone, and still be a polite person?

Well it’s a big question or many questions in one, I don’t know, but the thing is since last week I have something in my main and I don’t know if a good thing, a normal thing or what?

I told my husband what happened to me and how I’m feeling, thanks God!, he feels in the same way, both of us have the same way to say the thing, directly and strong, and some time people are offend, it is not our intention, I think I have changed in many ways, but it’s something that is urgent work , because many time I rather don’t say nothing than have misunderstanding and make people feel sad or bad.

So what can I do? :(

3 comentarios:

Callie Thurell dijo...

Say what you need to say - especially if it is bothering you!

the little Vinings ; ) dijo...

You know, I have the same problem too. I am not from the southwest. I am from michigan, aka the midwest, and we have a differant way of communicating too. Even though we speak the same language between parts of the U.S. we still have major differances in our cultures too. I really struggle with my friends, in laws, and occasionally my husband because I just don't get the little things that they express in their verbage that makes it the same interpretation for me. And I know it goes the other way too! I know that they don't get a lot of things that I say because, I know that I regularly offend people out here. I also know that a lot of what I say gets badly misinterpreted by many people.

I would say that the language barrier too would make it that much more difficult for you, than I. But what I have finally decided is that people are going to expect you to change to fit their mold and their needs. But in the process you'll lose who you are trying to make others happy with your translation. So, now you'll be unhappy with yourself, and that isn't good either. So what I have learned in the last year, and it has taken me 8 years to figure this out, be yourself! If what you say is misunderstood, or people get offended, well they need to then ask you what you meant, ask you to clarify, because you are doing your best. I think people just need to not get all wraped up in little interpretations of things, and just enjoy one another for who and what they are.

Hope this helps, from all that I see your sisters in law write, I think they all love and accept you and what you do. So I wouldn't worry about others.

Kathy dijo...

Say what is on your mind. Some times you just can't be polite.